Rust after the honeymoon

#288 — October 14, 2020

Web Version

StatusCode Weekly
What's happening in software development, ops, platforms and tools.

JuliaMono: A New Typeface for Developers — There's a lot to enjoy in this font originally created to be revealed at JuliaCon 2020 but now freely available for us to use and enjoy. It's packed with useful mathematical symbols, alphabets, alternate characters, etc.


Rust After The Honeymoon — We're very bullish on Rust here, but it always pays to have a sense of perspective and Bryan (of DTrace fame) provides some great insight into the highs and lows he's experienced with the language.

Bryan Cantrill

Remote Instructor-Led Go, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, & Python Training — We offer live-streaming remote training sessions for individual engineers and companies that want to augment their knowledge in Go, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Python. We've trained over 10,000 engineers via our carefully crafted classes.

Ardan Labs sponsor

Amazon Pays $108 Million for Amateur Radio (AMPRnet) IP Addresses — The President of Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has announced they received $108 million from Amazon for 4 million amateur radio TCP/IP addresses (so $27 per IP). If you were to extrapolate this to all usable IPv4 space, its 'market cap' would be north of $100bn.

Southgate Amateur Radio News

Chrome Is Deploying HTTP/3 and IETF QUIC — The next version of HTTP only runs over QUIC, a multiplexed transport protocol running on UDP. Google is seeing worthwhile latency improvements with it so are pushing ahead with standardized IETF QUIC support in Chrome (in addition to their existing 'Google QUIC'). Newsworthy, but for the average webmaster this area remains mostly offer the radar for now.


Google Cloud Run Now Supports HTTP/gRPC Server Streaming — You can now stream large or partial responses from Google's 'run containers in a serverless fashion' Run service to clients. And in other Google Cloud news, they've rolled out support for buildpacks making it easier to create container images from source code without a Dockerfile.

Google Cloud Blog

💻 Jobs

Lead DevOps or SRE — We are a remote, open-source, mission-driven company building developer tools for IPFS, Filecoin, and the decentralized web.

Find Your Next Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.


ℹ️ Interested in running a job listing in StatusCode? There's more info here.

📕 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories

Loading CSV Files at the Speed Limit of NVMe Storage — Can CSVs be processed with a parallel algorithm? Yes.

Liu Liu

Open Source Licensing and Why Plausible is Going AGPL — We linked to Plausible recently as an interesting, open source, privacy-friendly alternative to tools like Google Analytics, but its creators have run into issues with the permissive MIT license and are now moving the project to GNU AGPLv3. Worth reading if you're wrestling with license complications too.

Marko Saric

Raft Is So Fetch: The Raft Consensus Algorithm Explained Through Mean Girls — If you don't like playful explanations, move on because this will get confusing fast, but if Mean Girls means something to you, this is a noble attempt to make the Raft consensus algorithm more relatable(!)

Mikael Austin (CockroachDB)

Getting Started with OpenTelemetry and Distributed Tracing in Go

Lightstep sponsor

Experiment with Exchanging UDP Messages in the Browser — This is a page from Low-Level Academy, an explorable systems programming course that's still under development. Built with Rust and WebAssembly, this is worth a quick play.

Low Level Academy

Computer Scientists Break Traveling Salesperson Record"After 44 years, there's finally a better way to find approximate solutions to the notoriously difficult traveling salesperson problem." (Though by an absolutely minuscule amount, it breaks a 'theoretical logjam.')

Quanta Magazine

Kubernetes in 30 Minutes — Not a 'from scratch' guide as such, more a cheat sheet to getting an app deployed and running on a basic self-managed Kubernetes setup quickly.

Rohit Sehgal

▶  Microsoft's Node.js for Beginners Series — If you or someone you know needs to step onto the Node.js train, this up to date series of brief screencasts from Microsoft could fit the bill.

▶  OAuth and OpenID Connect in 18 Minutes in Plain English

Dockerfile Security Best Practices

Some Strategies to Reduce Amazon S3 Costs

How to Make a First Contribution to an Open Source Project

Making 2 Million Ancient Usenet Posts Available with Postgres and Python

AI is An Ideology, Not A Technology – WIRED

We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here's What We Found

▶  A VM Journey From VMware to Kubernetes

▶  virtio-fs: A Shared File System for Virtual Machines

🛠 Code and Tools

Visidata 2.0: A Terminal Spreadsheet Multitool for Discovering and Arranging Data — Here's an introductory tutorial to what you can use this for.

Saul Pwanson

Bit: An Experimental, Modern CLI for Git — Brings some extra niceties to the idea of git, including file and branch name autocompletion, command and flag suggestions, and even some new commands.

Chris Walz

Reduce MTTR By Linking Infrastructure Dashboards Directly To Logs — New Relic forwards logs straight from the agent for aggregation, tailing and correlation. Simplify your logging story.

New Relic sponsor

Introducing AWS Lambda Extensions (in Preview) — A mechanism to deeply integrate Lambda with monitoring, observability, and security tools (e.g. Epsagon, Hashicorp, other AWS tools).

Julian Wood (AWS)

Announcing the NGINX Core Collection for Ansible — An officially supported collection of roles for deploying NGINX with Ansible.


Introducing NGINX Service Mesh (NSM) — A fully integrated lightweight service mesh that uses a data plane powered by NGINX Plus to manage container traffic in Kubernetes environments.


Blades: A 'Blazing Fast' Simple Static Site Generator Built with Rust — You might want to think of this as Rust's answer to the popular Go-powered Hugo although this claims to be "up to 10 times faster" still(!)

Maros Grego

⚡️ Quick releases:

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